Step 1: Your First Visit
If you haven't already, we invite you to join us for one of our Sunday services at 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30am. When you arrive, our friendly greeters will be there to welcome you and help you feel at home. During the service, you'll experience passionate worship, a relevant message, and a welcoming community.
Step 2: Connect With Us
After your first visit, we'd love to get to know you better! You can fill out our online connect card on our website to let us know a bit about yourself and how we can best serve you. Whether you have questions about faith, want to get connected with a life group, or are interested in serving, our leaders and staff are here to help!
Step 3: Next Steps
If you’re ready to take your next step at Oceans, we encourage you to sign up for our NEXT STEPS class. Where you’ll learn more about Oceans Church, what we believe, and how you can become a member and join our Dream team. This is a two hour class during our 10:00am and 11:30am services on Sunday mornings. We encourage you to attend our 8:30am service before attending our next steps class.
Step 4: Join The Dream Team
At Oceans, we believe that everyone has unique talents and gifts to contribute to the Kingdom of God. Whether you're passionate about coffee, tech, hospitality, or working with kids, there's a place for you on our Dream Team! Serving is a great way to grow in your faith, build relationships, and make a difference in the lives of others. You can sign up to serve through the link below!